Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here is tCast #41. It took a little longer then I expected but finally we have a winner at the tCast Nano Competition. Want to know who? Listen to the show...

It was one of these weeks where there are not too many news items so we spent 48 minutes discussing, well, not much I guess.

We are Adi Ravid, Tal Rom amd me, Boaz Ordan. We mustn't forget the guest in this show, My wife, who picked the lucky winner out of an empty tissue box.



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Sunday, June 18, 2006

tCast #40 was the one I was supposed to announce the Nano winner at but, because I forgot the bonus question at the end of tCast #39 i gave another question this show and at tCast #41 there will be a winner.

There are news as well. Mac OS X 10.4.7 is coming soon, Bill Gates is fading slowly out of Microsoft, we debate the iPod city in China, true or false and much more.

Adi Ravid, Tal Rom, Koby Soto in his two weekly talk and me, Boaz Ordan are hoping you'll enjoy the show.

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

tCast #39 and what can I say. There are no news, nothing. so it's a short one this time and it includes some semi interesting news items and the forth and last Nano competition riddle.

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Here is tCast #38. A very low news week with not much to talk about, what didn't stop Adi, Tal Rom and myself from talking a full hour.

Question number 3 in the Nano competition is out as well as the bonus question at the end of the show. Email your answers to: nano@tcast..co.il

See you all next week.

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