Tuesday, November 29, 2005

In this podcast i will answer some complaints I got, i talk more about my experiences with my new iMAc G5 and my new iPod 5G, about the Podcast story that was aired on last Saturday's evening news in channel 2, about the new Xbox 360 , some new softwares and software updates that were published this week and about whether Apple should sell it's OSX operating system to all PC computers.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Welcome to episode 12 of the tCast - the Hebrew technology podcast. This show has 2 major parts. the first has my experiences and thoughts after finally receiving my new iMac G5 (the new model) and my new iPod fifth generation with video. What do I think of them, how did they impress me and what are my conclusions, to buy or not to buy. Part two has a selection of the latest news from the technological world including the Sony rootkit, the Motorola Roker, Microsoft and some other stuff. Please take the time to add your location in the tCast map at: www.frappr.com/tcast and feel free to email me at: boaz@tcast.co.il

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Monday, November 14, 2005

The tCast took a trip to Ontario California to visit the first ever portable media and podcast expo that took place this week. The good news is that it was very interesting and I hope the show will some how manage to relay this to my listeners. The bad news is that I had to record the show on my laptop using the built in microphone the the audio quality is probably the worst ever in the short history of podcast, I apologize for this. In this show I am criticizing the walla mail service, I am talking a little about Apple shops and of course, about the podcast expo. Hope you'll enjoy.

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