Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hello tCast Listeners.

tCast #25, a special 25th anniversary show with a special interview. This week the whole show is dedicated to an hour long interview with the CEO of YEDA computers, the official representative of Apple in Israel.

During this interview I tried asking all the questions that I thought are interesting to Mac owners in Israel, professional and home users alike. We talked about apple shop in Israel, iTunes music store in Israel, why are priced here high compared to the US and is it worth it, or not, to import Macs alone.

Please use my web site: to subscribe to the enhanced tCast through iTunes, Yahoo, Odeo or other podcast services.

I hope you will find the interview interesting.

Boaz Ordan.

MP3 File

1 comment:

lifeafterdev said...

u n b e l i e v a b l e!!! - this guy is working with apple since the 70s????????? he is more like a FALAFEL shop owner!